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2016 to 2020


Ikeda T. Env Substitutions Enhance Gag-Pol Packaging and Protect from APOBEC3G Restriction. Invited speaker. Kindai University (Jan 13, 2016).

Ikeda T. Env Substitutions Enhance Gag-Pol Packaging and Protect from APOBEC3G Restriction. Invited speaker. Kyoto University (Jan 15, 2016).

Ikeda T, Pollpeter D, Albin JS, Malim MH and Harris RS. RT Mutations Fortify an Env-Dependent Mechanism That Vif-Null HIV-1 Can Use to Escape Restriction by APOBEC3G. 2016 Institute for Molecular Virology Annual Symposium. University of Minnesota, Minnesota, USA (May 16, 2016).

Ikeda T, Pollpeter D, Albin JS, Malim MH, Harris RS. RT Mutations Fortify an Env-Dependent Mechanism That Vif-Null HIV-1 Can Use to Escape Restriction by APOBEC3G. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Meeting, Retroviruses. Cold Spring Harbor, New York, USA (May 23-28, 2016).


Ikeda T. HIV-1 Adaptation Studies Reveal Env Variants that Decrease Fusogenicity, Enhance Gag-Pol Packaging, and Protect from APOBEC3G Restriction. Invited speaker. Nagoya Medical Center (Jan 13, 2017).

Ikeda THIV-1 Adaptation Studies Reveal Env Variants that Decrease Fusogenicity, Enhance Gag-Pol Packaging, and Protect from APOBEC3G Restriction. Invited speaker. Kumamoto University (Jan 18, 2017).

Ikeda T, Symeonides M, Albin JS, Thali M and Harris RS. Harris HIV-1 Adaptation Studies Reveal a Novel Vif-Independent Mechanism for Evading Lethal Restriction by APOBEC3G. 2017 Institute for Molecular Virology Annual Symposium. University of Minnesota, Minnesota, USA (May 15, 2017).

Ikeda T, Shimoda M, Ebrahimi D, VandeBerg JL, Harris RS, Koito A and Maeda K. Opossum APOBEC1 is a DNA mutator with the restriction activity to retroviruses and retroelements. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Meeting, Retroviruses. Cold Spring Harbor, New York, USA (May 22-27, 2017).

Ikeda T, Symeonides M, Albin JS, Li M, Thali M and Harris RS. HIV-1 Adaptation Studies Reveal a Novel Vif-Independent Mechanism for Evading Lethal Restriction by APOBEC3G. 5th Joint UMN-UW Virology Training Grant Symposium. Radisson Hotel, La Crosse, Wisconsin (Oct 12, 2017).


Ikeda T. HIV-1 adaptation studies reveal a novel Vif-independent mechanism for evading lethal restriction by APOBEC3G. Invited speaker. National Institute of Infectious Diseases (Feb 23, 2018).

Ikeda T. HIV-1 adaptation studies reveal a novel Vif-independent mechanism for evading lethal restriction by APOBEC3G. Invited speaker. Kyoto University (Feb 27, 2018).

Ikeda T, Symeonides M, Albin JS, Li M, Thali M and Harris RS. HIV-1 adaptation studies reveal a novel Env-mediated homeostasis mechanism for evading lethal hypermutation by APOBEC3G. 2018 Institute for Molecular Virology Annual Symposium. University of Minnesota, Minnesota, USA (May 15, 2018).

Ikeda T, Symeonides M, Albin JS, Li M, Thali M and Harris RS. HIV-1 adaptation studies reveal a novel Env-mediated homeostasis mechanism for evading lethal hypermutation by APOBEC3G. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Meeting, Retroviruses. Cold Spring Harbor, New York, USA (May 21-26, 2018).


Ikeda T. Genetic variations of APOBEC3C and APOBEC3H influence HIV-1 restriction activity and genetic diversity. Invited speaker. Tsukuba Primate Research Center, National Institute of Biomedical Innovation, Health and Nutrition (Jan 30, 2019).

Ikeda T. Genetic variations of APOBEC3C and APOBEC3H influence HIV-1 restriction activity and genetic diversity. Invited speaker. Nagoya Medical Center (Feb 5, 2019).

Ikeda T. Genetic variations of APOBEC3C and APOBEC3H influence HIV-1 restriction activity and genetic diversity. Invited speaker. Osaka University (Feb 7, 2019).

Ikeda T. Genetic variations of APOBEC3C and APOBEC3H influence HIV-1 restriction activity and genetic diversity. Invited speaker. Kumamoto University (Feb 15, 2019).

Ikeda T, Molan AM, Jarvis MC, Carpenter MA, Salamango DJ, Brown WL and Harris RS. HIV-1 restriction by APOBEC3G in the myeloid cell line THP-1. 2019 Institute for Molecular Virology Annunal Symposium. University of Minnesota, Minnesota, USA (May 15, 2019).

Ikeda T, Molan AM, Jarvis MC, Carpenter MA, Salamango DJ, Brown WL and Harris RS. HIV-1 restriction by APOBEC3G in the myeloid cell line THP-1. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Meeting, Retroviruses. Cold Spring Harbor, New York, USA (May 20-25, 2019).

Ikeda T, Molan AM, Jarvis MC, Carpenter MA, Salamango DJ, Brown WL, Harris RS. HIV-1 restriction by APOBEC3G in the myeloid cell line THP-1. American Society for Virology, 38th Annual Meeting. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA (July 20-24, 2019).


Ikeda T, Kicking off my lab at the Kick-off Symposium. Kickoff symposium. Kakuryukai Hall, Kagoshima, Japan (Jan 24, 2020).

Ikeda T, Carpenter MA, Cheng AZ, Brown WL, Harris RS. Endogenous APOBEC3F Contributes to HIV-1 Restriction in the Monocytic Cell Line THP-1. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Meeting, Retroviruses. Cold Spring Harbor, New York, USA (May 18-21, 2020). 

2016 to 2020: ニュース

The Ikeda Lab

Division of Molecular Virology & Genetics
Joint Research Center for Human Retrovirus Infection
Kumamoto University

©2020 by Ikeda Lab.

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